Writing A Profile For A Dating Site

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You've created a dating profile and found a few people with potential, now what? It's time to let your personality shine through in a winning first message. If you're not sure how to introduce yourself on a dating site or app, try out these fun options.

Writing A Profile For A Dating Site Examples

If you want to grab a date in the virtual world, then you need to have a good profile to do so. Here are a few examples that will help you out.

Lots of single people join dating sites in a hope to find a partner. But only a few can write presentable profiles and get the attention of quality seekers. A good profile on an online dating site is the one that stands out from the rest. The clichéd profiles describe seekers as intelligent, good-looking, educated, tall, attractive, and independent. A poorly written profile will get you a bunch of desperate singles and leave you all the more frustrated about your state. The reason most profiles are so mundanely written is because anybody and everybody can write a profile that states the obvious. Since words are all that you have to get someone’s attention, you need to know how to be witty to get some attention.

Given below are some examples that explain what a profile on a dating site should look like.

Example 1

  • What you get on this page:. The 10 best dating profile examples for men. For Men, Ages: 20’s, 30’s, 40’s & 50’s+. Match.com, eHarmony, okCupid, JDate & POF profile examples. A woman’s perspective on these profiles. Then I personally help fix your #1 Online Dating Attraction Killer free. Let’s get started!
  • Dating means looking for a partner for romantic relationships. Online means you’re using the net to find a soulmate. Dating online occurs with the help of special senior dating sites. The main task is to register, create a profile, find the most suitable variants (matches) and communicate with them.
  • The worst thing you can do in a traditional profile is to write the same kind of profile that you would for a discovery dating app. A good profile is going to be at least 150 words long. However, if it goes over 300 words, fewer people are going to be willing to read it.
  • Tips for online dating profiles Before you sit and start uploading photos, write your description and tell others what you do, like and hate, have some time to get ready and think what works out and what spoils the profiles. Here are a few recommendations. Leave out the negativity.
I don’t like most guys, but… Perhaps that is what makes those few unique individuals that I do connect with all the more special. (Great, thought-provoking opener that shows a woman’s engaging personality).
About myself: restless, analytical, and opinionated. I am not offended by a dirty joke and can dish out one of my own. I am independent but far from being a feminist. Sarcasm is a spice of life, so bring it on. (Guys really, really like to hear that). Timeless books and movies that make you wonder for days about whose side you are on, put great flavor into many of my evenings.

What’s your story? What are you greatest pet-peeves and what makes you weak in your knees from joy and happiness.

Example 2

I want to meet someone who will introduce me to new things, adore (or put up with) my wacky moods and keep me in line. Very important: a woman whose profile does not include a shirtless photo or a photo of her with her car. Not my type. I am looking for a woman who is confident. Someone who likes to play but can keep it real. Not a player. I’m looking for someone who’s intelligent and funny, beautiful and patient. Some who is loyal and makes me feel safe. I would like a woman who can surprise me every now and then. A woman who will support me, tell me if I’m wrong and will want me to do the same to her.

Example 3

I am looking for a girl, whom I can get lost in conversation with, just as easily as we can share one of those moments of comfortable silence in each others’ arms. I love to laugh and joke around. My job is awesome, but I know when I come home that this is where my priorities and true happiness are. I want to share my passions with you and expect the same from you. In fact, hoping to explore new ones we find together. If you are Christian, enjoy children, and enjoy the outdoors, we already have a lot in common. One of my favorite Psalms has a verse that says, “Delight yourself in the Lord and he shall give you the desires of your heart.” I am hoping that together we can live that verse well into our golden years.

Online Dating Profile Tips
If you are planning to register for online dating, then it is probably a good idea to keep in mind some general dos and don’ts.

Your profile has to be concise, sincere, and simple. The residents of the virtual world detest complexities.
Before you begin, make a rough draft. This way, you will know exactly what to say and save time too.
Plagiarisms are allowed when you are writing a profile on such sites. Phew! Thank God for small mercies!
Humor is the essence of the profile. So, maintain it.

Online dating is fun, and if things workout in the real world as well, it’s wonderful. However, you need to be on your guard, considering the high rates of cyber crimes. Online dating advice for women and men is the same. Register yourself on a reputed website. The safest way of finding a reputed website is to ask your friends about it. This way, you will know more about free online dating services. Decency will win better suitors than the rest. So, please upload decent photographs. Trust me, putting up revealing photographs only yield cheap publicity. Another important online dating tip is to hold back. Don’t give out all the details about who you are and what you do. In case you develop an interest in the person and he/she insists on meeting, meet at a public place. We hope you find your mate. Good luck!

Knowing how to write personal profile for a dating site is the first step towards successful online dating. A personal profile for a dating website can be described as an ad that compels prospects or perfect matches to contact you. When you write a great personal profile, you are most likely destined for a happy and great online dating experience- wikihow.com. Whether you are a bit rusty or newly single or if you simply joined a dating site with the hope of meeting a special person, an appealing profile is very important.

Writing dating profiles for men

When writing an online dating site profile, remember that your profile is like a love letter written by an anonymous person. It should appeal to as many people as possible and compel them to contact you. Most people are usually uncomfortable when giving personal details. Consequently, most online profiles are filled with clichés, exclamation marks and text-speak. To make your personal profile unique, you need to know how to write a personal profile that cannot apply to any person. Come up with a profile that highlights your unique interests and qualities- theguardian.com.

A guide on how to write personal profile for a dating site

  • Consider your answers

Writing Online Dating Profile

Once you join some dating sites, there are questions that you are required to answer. Your answers to these questions provide basic information about you. Use words that describe you in the best way possible while giving others a hint of things that you like. Make sure that your answers will enable the right people to identify and want to meet you. Provide accurate and honest answers to these questions to enhance your chances of meeting a perfect match- advice.uk.match.com.

  • Know what exactly you want

Although this can seem obvious, there are people who do not know what exactly they want in an online dating site. Some people are simply looking for a date. To make your personal profile more appealing, be specific to make your profile livelier. Start by listing down the kind of a relationship that you want. For instance, do you want a long term relationship, short term relationship or marriage? What sexual orientation, gender, or age do you want the person that you meet to have?

  • Have a list of what you want your date to have

Your list should include the must haves, no-nos and good to have. Must-haves are the things that you cannot do without. These can be hobbies or passions and other interests. No-nos are the things that you cannot tolerate or stand. Good to have are simply the things that a potential mate can have though you can do without. You can also include specific hobbies, dreams, goals and interests that you would like to enjoy with that special person.

  • List down things that define you

List down all the things that make you unique including something that, to others might seem insignificant, boring or unpopular. For instance, you might be a fan of old films that are not appealing to others. Such an interest can create fodder in your personal profile. Remember that including things that make you unique shows that you know how to write a personal profile for a dating site.

  • Come up with a catchy name

Your online name is also called a screen name or handle. After reading your name, people should remember it with ease. It should also be concise. Do not use common names such as “Sexy girl”. Come up with a meaningful name. Try to make your name as unique as possible by including things that you like doing or what you want.

  • Include a nice photo

Your photo is the first thing that most people will see in your personal profile. Including a photo will give you more responses. Include a photo that shows the best in you. You can also include a terrific photo. A terrific photo might capture the attention of other people and compel them to read your profile- oprah.com.

  • Come up with an attention-grabbing headline

You will most probably have a box that can fit 100 characters only for the headline. However, the headline of your personal profile is very important and it is what makes most people decide whether they should read your profile or not. Treat it just like a screen name. Make it meaningful. Your headline should give hints of what you are looking for but it should not reveal personal information.

  • Express positivity and show honesty

Express positivity about yourself as well as your prospects. For instance, avoid saying that you do not want losers. Simply put, do not use a resentful, bitter tone in your profile- mindbodygreen.com. Since you want to be accepted just the way you are, avoid lies in your personal profile. Lying will get you a person that will always wish that you were another person.

  • Start by writing notes

Do not write your personal profile right on a dating site. Instead, write your profile on a paper or word program such as MS Word. Use the right words to write your profile without paying attention to grammar or spelling. Write like you are speaking to your ideal prospect or date. Tell him/her what you are looking for and why they should choose you.

  • Proofread and edit

Save the profile and distance yourself from it for a day and then read it. Correct spelling, grammatical and typo errors. If you feel that something is lacking in the profile, add it. If you also feel that something in the profile is needless, remove it. Editing is a step that everybody who knows how to write a personal profile for a dating site will never skip because minor mistakes can have great negative impact on a great profile.

Remember that a dull or lazy profile will put off potential matches. Take time to sell yourself by writing an interesting profile. However, avoid being boastful, elitist or intimidating.

More on how to write a personal profile for a dating site

  • Be exciting

Most prospects want to feel excited after reading your profile. You also want people to send you an email immediately after reading your profile. Therefore, present yourself as an exciting person. Let your prospects feel that they will always be excited when they spend time with you.

Writing A Profile For A Dating Site Template

  • Be concise

A long personal profile is boring to most people. Reading it is like going to a party and meeting a person who dominates the conversation. This is the same for a profile of an online dating site. Therefore, make every word that you include in your personal profile count. Include only what you think your prospects will be interested in. Include only what will capture the attention of your prospects.

  • Be creative

Come up with stories or ideas that will paint a clear mental picture of you and the prospect together. Make your prospects imagine spending great time with you. Such a scene will capture the attention and interest of your prospects and make them want to contact you. Although the prospect might not see the scene the way you see it, they are likely to visualize the story that you create with them in it. This way, you will have hooked them and they will most likely contact you.

  • Avoid making demands or bragging

Do not make demands of your salaries and how you like being entertained in your profile. Even people who have money do not like dating people who make demands. Additionally, do not brag about things like your looks. Let your prospects see your profile picture and determine if you are an ideal date for them.

  • Avoid overselling yourself

Do not include descriptions that oversell you. For instance, do not make dubious claims of looking like a certain model or celebrity simply because you do not want to include your photo in your personal profile. Simply use words that describe you, your interests and likes without overselling your personality. Remember that being honest with your prospects is one way of showing that you know how to write a personal profile for a dating site and the reason for writing it.

If for any reason you are unable to follow these steps and hints in writing a personal profile for a dating site, use a sample profile as your writing guide. You can find sample profiles for a dating site here.

Dating Profile Writing Service

Get help with your personal profile for a dating site.

If you encounter difficulties while writing a personal profile for a dating site, follow these steps and hints to write your personal profile and then contact us for editing help. You can also visit our home page to find out more about our online writing and editing services. Alternatively, continue reading for more tips and guidelines on how to write a personal profile for a dating site on this blog.






