My Partner Is On Dating Sites

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Do you have doubts that your partner is registered to some dating sites and hides profiles there? You’re not alone, thousands of wives and also husbands are using these apps on their smartphones or desktop and of course secretly. The good news is that we’ll show you how you can find someone on these popular dating sites by email.

How to find out if your partner is on a dating Ask her and be upfront about why you're worried she might be. She's your wife, you should have open communication to talk about anything. It's wrong to go snooping. It can make you become obsessed with finding something even if there's nothing to.

So, make sure to test all the following tools we recommend, and if one is not working for you, try the other search option. Sometimes, algorithms find details in different ways. So, some tools detect the person’s dating profile faster than others, and that makes a little difference.

There are many options and ways to search multiple dating sites by email, however, not all of them work, for that reason, we’ll focus on the best email address lookup options that really work to find out anyone’s secret dating profiles online. This is valid for both a man and a woman, so, what you need to do is use one of the following tools we tested and recommend.

Finding hidden dating profiles by email

BV (complete background report)

BeenVerified is the number one email lookup tool that works. In a few seconds, you can lookup the person’s email address and find the related online dating profiles. In addition, you’ll find the person’s social media accounts with photos, videos, and all the details you wanted to check.

The great report of this tool comes with all the following details and more:

  • The person’s full name and age
  • His street address and location
  • The phone numbers the person owns
  • The associated people (Great to find if the person has a secret girlfriend or boyfriend)
  • Social media profiles including Facebook etc…
  • The person’s photos and more.

In order to search all the popular dating sites at once using the email addresses, you need to enable that search option first. So, make sure you click on “Email” as the following example screenshot.

Now, you’ll get the email search tool, all you have to do is type in an email address, and find all the dating profiles that someone has at once.

In reality, there are more details that the report includes, however, that need a long article to describe and list. So, in a few words, this recommended social media profiles finder tool comes with all that you need to know about the person you look for.

Note: This advanced email lookup and background search website may not show you profiles on dating websites, but you get better, social media profiles including the ones that the person hides with photos and more. So, even if there is no a dating account link, you’ll find the person’s Facebook, Twitter, Snapshot, and even Instagram secret accounts.

Even better, you can find associated people and relatives, thus, you can find his secret girlfriend or boyfriend without his knowing.


2. PeopleLooker

PeopleLooker is the second recommended tool to search and find dating profiles fast and when you need it. In a few seconds, you can lookup the person’s email address, then, wait for the scan to complete.

Finally, you’ll get a clear background search report with social media accounts of the person and that includes his secret dating profiles on popular websites and platforms if that’s found of course. Also, you can access this search tool anywhere you want and from any device like a smartphone, laptop, or tablet.

The website uses a powerful scanning tool to find information and data in the deepest social media accounts, blogs, websites, etc. So, the user gets personal details about anyone like marriage and divorce records.

Sometimes, simplicity can help a lot, So, what you can do is just visit a dating website, then, search for a person’s profile using his email address.

That can work, but it takes a long time, and you’ll be very lucky if you find a profile. So, give this method a try and see if you can find a profile that someone uses to date online using an email address.

There are hundreds of dating sites, like POF, eHarmony, and more, however, with a simple search using Google, you can find the top 10 sites for example. So, take that list and search for the man’s profile.

Other ways to search the dating sites by email

Use Google advanced search

Google is the biggest search engine, and it offers an advanced search tool you can use to discover hidden dating accounts of anyone. This time, you’ll search the dating site through Google and you can filter the results. So, first, visit the Google advanced search page, and in this “exact word or phrase” type in the email address that you need to lookup.

In the domain name field, type a popular dating website like,, and others.

Search for each website separately and you can find the results. Some dating websites have public profiles and even there are settings to disable or enable that. So, for many users, they can neglect those privacy features and make their page on dating websites accessible publicly.

Facebook search

How Can I See If My Partner Is On Dating Sites

Don’t forget Facebook, it’s a social network, but a dating platform for many, especially those who look for a short-term relationship.

My Partner Is On Dating Sites

There are lots of people who use Facebook to communicate with females and of course, these accounts are secrets. The same things apply to females who create secret Facebook accounts to date men without anyone’s knowing. So, visit the Facebook search page, then, search for the people’s email address, you’ll find a related profile if it exists.

Craigslist is also a big website that millions of people use for many purposes. However, many use Craigslist to date online, make sure you search for your target email address there.

To summarize

Now, you have an idea and the right techniques to successfully find your partner’s secret dating profiles using his email address. Make sure to share your feedback if you used any of the above-recommended tools and options. Meanwhile, remember that the long list of datings apps won’t be the same for years, there are new dating platforms that see the light and others that disappear. That’s why it’s always a good idea to see if the site is an old one or new as some of them never update their pages, so when someone looks at anyone’s else profile there, he’ll assume it’s an active user when it’s not, so, verify that first.

Gossip Girl / CW
Dating sites free

Imagine an unsuspecting single friend swiping away on Hinge or Tinder, spotting a familiar face, realizing they've caught your partner on a dating app, and almost dropping their phone. They quickly send a screenshot of their profile your way, and just like that, you learn your relationship isn't as solid as it seemed.

'When you first find your partner on a dating platform, thoughts automatically start racing through your head, and you can’t help but think of the worst possible scenarios,' Maria Sullivan, a dating expert and vice president of, tells Bustle.

Stephanie, 27, didn't want to wait to process those feelings. When her best friend informed her that she'd found Stephanie's partner on a dating app, she immediately decided to confirm her worst suspicions. 'I logged into her account and messaged him as her for a little bit and then asked if we could text,' she says. 'I wanted to make sure it really was him instead of just someone using his picture.'

Experts say the discovery of a partner's dating profile is most often met with shock and disbelief, followed by suspicion. And while some scenarios can, in fact, be the result of a case of identity theft or an account that has deactivated, for Stephanie, her fears were confirmed. 'He shared his number, and sure enough, it was my then boyfriend’s phone number,' she recalls. 'It was gut-wrenching. We had dated for almost two years, and I had no inclination that anything was wrong or that I shouldn’t trust him.'

It can take a while to establish a sense of mutual trust in your relationship, Sullivan says — but this kind of breach can be a major setback.

For Melissa, 26, catching her partner on a dating app burst her seemingly idyllic relationship's bubble. She was living with her partner, and they had met each other's families and were planning for the future. But one day, when he was showing her something on his computer, a notification from Tinder popped up. Melissa's partner responded by panicking.


'What really bothered me was that he looked like a perfect boyfriend,' she says. 'He spent his free time, holidays, and weekends with me, but was still scouting potential flings on his phone.' When someone's online activity directly contradicts their IRL persona, it can be easy to feel deceived or 'played.' Genevieve, 27, experienced a similar beguilement when her coworker found her partner while swiping through an app. 'I genuinely never imagined that he could or would have entertained the thought of cheating on me, let alone sought out that opportunity on a dating app,' she says. 'This is going to sound wildly dramatic, but it was one of the most heartbreaking moments of my life. It felt like such a breach of trust, and a boundary crossed.'


According to Sullivan, swiping through a dating app while in a relationship is a form of micro-cheating, or smaller breaches of trust that could lead to infidelity down the line. Even if your partner isn't using their dating app account to cheat on you, keeping it a secret implies lapse in honesty and communication. Additionally, using an account to 'look around' can indicate a lack of commitment to your relationship.

There's only one way to know for sure: By opening up a dialogue with your partner about what you've seen and how it makes you feel. If your partner gets angry when you try to start a conversation or outright tries to deny what you're alleging, Sullivan says you may have cause for concern. Your partner may be attempting to gaslight you by deflecting the blame and making you feel like you're the one at fault.

Their partner's dating profile was more than just a swipe at their confidence — it was a permanent breach of their trust.

'[My boyfriend] said that he was letting a friend use his account, but couldn’t come up with a good explanation as to why his friend would be sharing my boyfriend’s phone number,' Stephanie says. 'He then got mad at me for 'snooping and stalking' because that’s what manipulative people do when they’re caught.' Similarly, Genevieve's partner declined her phone call when she tried to reach out for answers and later claimed his profile was old. 'None of it was true, of course, but the reasons and timing hardly mattered at that point,' she says.

Find Out If Your Partner Is On Dating Sites

If you catch your partner on a dating app, Sullivan suggests first and foremost taking a few deep breaths to clear your head and center your thoughts. When you've taken space for yourself to check in with how you're feeling and thinking, communicate that process to your partner. 'Starting off with a conversation between you and your partner is the first step,' Sullivan says, 'and if they don't respond well to it, then it might be time to take it to couples therapy.'

Of course, if your partner is acting in a way that feels manipulative, or you can't rebuild what's been broken, it's always OK to walk away. Genevieve and Stephanie called it quits right then and there, and Melissa ended her relationship a year later. For all three, their partner's dating profile was more than just a swipe at their confidence — it was a permanent breach of their trust.


My Partner Is On Dating Sites Game

Maria Sullivan, dating expert and vice president of