Linkedin Is Not A Dating Site

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Linkedin Is Not A Dating Site Video

  • LinkedIn is not a dating app: Why a professional networking site is causing women users such distress When Regina Scott found out that, after a gruelling boot camp, she had received her dream internship at a software company, she was excited: her mid-pandemic career change into the tech industry had paid off.
  • 'I really mean that Linkedin is not a dating site,' Ivey said. 'If I were looking for romantic prospects, I would not be looking at Linkedin.' Ivey is hardly alone. Olivia Solon, tech investigations editor for NBC News, got this message: 'It's my pleasure meeting you here.
  • Unlike a dating website or app like Match or Tinder, people are not signing up for LinkedIn for dating purposes, thus any dating propositions via the platform is unwanted sexual harassment.

Linkedin Is Not A Dating Site Quotes


Update: Instagram hasn't verified me yet. Do I really have to go back to Twitch and Twitter? If you know anyone there please ask them to get @georgehotz verified ASAP!

Linkedin is not a dating site sign

“LinkedIn is not a dating app — please do not connect or message me on LinkedIn — unless you want to network. I have worked my whole life to be taken seriously as a professional woman.

For 6 months now, I have updated my profile to reflect the fact that I only use LinkedIn for dating. People didn't get the memo! Still I got the 'you scratch my back I'll scratch yours' business we need growth spam. And the 'quick phone call' requests. Do normal people even still use phones?

I've realized I need to move to a platform that is more authentic. In 2019, it is my dream to be an Instagram celebrity!

Linkedin Is Not A Dating Site Like


So you should follow me there. If I get 10k followers, I'll put some effort into some good content. If I get 100k followers, I'll put a lot of effort into good content. If I get 1M followers, I'll start selling sponsored posts and funnel the money into me doing rich people things on Instagram. Rich people things you can see and vicariously enjoy! So what are you waiting for?

Linkedin Is Not A Dating Site
Follow me on Instagram now!

If you still need convincing, here is my twitch stream announcing my new dream.