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Did you know that catfishing scams cost Americans almost $476 million dollars in 2019? Were you a part of that financial loss? We certainly hope not. And if you were, we want to make sure you don’t have to go through that again. AnastasiaDate Scam was created to warn singles online about the deceptive acts of AnastasiaDate. With a continuous increase in information available online, the scammers of online dating platforms like AnastasiaDate take advantage. And guess what? You will be a victim of their strategy every time if you don’t begin to actively protect yourself. Knowledge is power.

So what is catfishing and why does AnastasiaDate use it to scam daters? By definition, catfishing is when a person pretends to be someone else online. Unfortunately, this type of dating deception happens so frequently with online dating sites that it makes it hard to trust legitimate online dating sites like Dream Singles or Online Dating Life.

As with ALL dating sites, men VASTLY As with any dating site the men VASTLY out number the women so FOR MEN, MATCH ET AL IS A WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY. Men get ZERO a day, MAYBE ONE every blue moon or so unsolicited messages. Women get BURIED by DOZENS DAILY. Most of the womens profiles are inactive and many men give up after a while. is the single site that is offering the best response for the people who need to have a change of their life. The site has an electronic dating stage at a reasonable expense. I have been told by my buddies that all of the profiles are veritable. As with ALL dating sites, men VASTLY As with any dating site the men VASTLY out number the women so FOR MEN, MATCH ET AL IS A WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY. Men get ZERO a day, MAYBE ONE every blue moon or so unsolicited messages. Women get BURIED by DOZENS DAILY. Most of the womens profiles are inactive and many men give up after a while.

In fact, we want to share with you a real user review. Meet Tim. He was recently on the AnastasiaDate platform and stated “don’t get catfished” by this site. Tim’s experience is just a snapshot of the horrors that could await any user who decides to trust AnastasiaDate. His review on TrustPilot revealed an astonishing experience that he hopes doesn’t happen to others. He, like so many others, dated online with hope in his heart.

'I was catfished, sent money like a sucker thinking it would work out.'
Dating Sites Trustpilot

Trustpilot Pilot

Dating online can come at a hefty price if you don’t do your research. And by research, we mean choosing a legitimate dating platform. Russian Dating Review provides a great overview of what it will be like on AnastasiaDate. Check out the full review here.

The sad reality is that many online daters have either a similar or even more disturbing encounter with AnastasiaDate. Why does AnastasiaDate use catfishing to scam daters? Simply put, it is an effective way to play upon emotions for their own gain. It is a cruel and inconsiderate thing to give false hope to a single who is on the search for real love and connection.

What State Are You Most Likely to Get Catfished In?

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Do you know which state is taking the lead in catfishing? Nevada. That’s right. Maybe it has something to do with Las Vegas. If you live in Nevada and you’re concerned about international dating deception, you may want to look in your own backyard first.

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If you really like an online dating platform, but sure that you protect yourself in these 7 ways. You can’t always trust that someone you don’t know will have your best interest in mind. One thing you can definitely count on is that you will always try to do the right thing for yourself. Don’t be afraid to date online just because there are dating platforms like AnastasiaDate. There are also a plethora of trustworthy international dating sites that don’t chew you up and spit you out.

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